What Should Be Behind Every Service Member?

I’ll never forget where I was when I watched the events of 9/11 unfold. That day shifted something deep inside me—an unwavering commitment to serve my country. But as much as I wanted to rush in and answer the call, life had already changed, and at that moment, I it was  a fact I was…

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Military Care Packages On The Way!

As Joyce Myers says, the battlefield is in the mind. This year’s initiative for deployed troops is not only supporting them, as my grandson said, “by giving them stuff”; During 2024, IHONORUSA wants to help them in another unique way. We will support them with the “battlefield in their minds”. When I deployed to Korea…

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Why Military Support?

The battlefield is in the Soldiers mind As Joyce Myers says, the battlefield is in the mind. This year’s initiative for deployed troops is not only supporting them, as my grandson said, “by giving them stuff”. During 2024, IHONORUSA wants to help them in another unique way. We will support them with the “battlefield in…

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Memorial Thoughts

Memorial day thoughts, 2023 I experienced two events that I will never forget on every memorial day. First, I joined the military in 1968. Our fathers dropped me and my buddy off at the train station in Philadelphia, and we thought we would have a three-year vacation in the military. It was a fun ride…

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Highlights of 2022

THE STATS ARE IN: 453 care packages sent to deserving deployed troops worldwide this year! 51% increase over last year! The Girly girl project served 174 female service members Happy New Year! Happy New Year Everyone!                                      …

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Land, Sea, and Air, our troops are there

This year thousands of American service members have been deployed to Eastern Europe to support our NATO allies along the Ukrainian border. As a result, with your donations, volunteering, and support, IHONORUSA.com has sent hundreds of care packages filled with toiletries, snacks, socks, and other essentials. The war in Ukraine continues into its eighth month,…

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Thank You Business Sponsors!

Thank You Business Sponsors! IHONORUSA.com Supporters, Volunteers and Donors, I want to thank all of you for your support in the face of COVID 19 and the highest inflation in 40 years. Your support through COVID and now inflation is more important than ever. At COSTCO, Sam’s, and the Dollar Store where one could depend on lower prices,…

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Thank you Volunteers!

Thank You Volunteers! National Volunteer Month When I started the Charity, “I Honor Your Service To America,” a few people supported the idea of blessing deployed troops around the world. However, I never imagined the potential of supporting our troops without the number of Donors, Supporters, and Volunteers it would take to get to where…

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Girly Girl Project with AT&T Pioneers

  The Girly Girl Project with AT&T Pioneers A representative of the AT&T pioneers, Sheila Hull, contacted me about a project they could work on to support our troops through IHONORUSA.com. As we were speaking, I said to Sheila I recently got a note from a Platoon SGT in South Korea talking about his female…

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National K9 Veterans Day

Sargent Melvin K9 E-5 South Korea I wanted to tell this personal story about E5 Sargent Melvin while serving in the military. Also, recognize Canines Veterans Day, and I wanted to shout out to all the canines who serve our country and E5 Sargent Melvin sacrifice selflessly. Here is one of the many stories from my…

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