Business supports troops
Thank you to the businesses that support this charity
Before the end of this year, I Honor Your Service To America has shipped 168 Military Care Packages to combat zone areas and support homeless veteran initiatives. This would not be possible without individual and business support. Donations come in many ways through this charity. T-shirts from A-Trading Co. Monetary and great magazines from Allegiance Retirement. Military grade socks from COVERT THREADS, Premium Coffee from JavaGenesis Roasters. AT&T veterans National, AT&T veterans Georgia Chapter, AT&T veterans FLA/PR/VI.
More Supporters
48in48 created this awesome website for free! The best comics ever from Treasure Island Comics. The Tax Man, Bill Bergman, and Southern Essentials Lotions, Free Veteran care 1 day every year, Suwanee Family Dentistry, Monetary Antonino Chiropractic Center, The AT&T Pioneers in Atlanta, Monetary Amazon Smiles, Support Cricket, and others. With the support of business and individual donors, you have made it possible to push past our goal for this year. Thank you for an awesome 2017 supporting our troops with care packages. Thank you, Laurie Simms – Secretary, and Margery Childs Treasurer for your support! Please look at the logos of our supporters and pleases do business with them. Thank you…
Why we support our troops
It is nice to thank our troops for their service when they are safe and sound here in the states. Have you ever thought about thanking them for their service on the battlefield where they are fighting for our lives and freedoms? Our mission is to: Honor, Support, and Encourage our troops deployed to combat zone areas, with military care packages.

AT&T Veterans

Covert Threads

Alex Kim

Treasure Island Comics