Memorial Day: Who died for you?

I think about the guys and gals that serve our country with all they have to give and died.  I think about the young folks, a lot of them in the prime of their lives when I think about it makes me cry. Yes tears come to my eyes considering all that they have to live for in their lives. The trip back to Andrews Air Force Base, the honor guard, the funeral and then life without their loved ones. I know this is supposed to be about having fun, barbecue and all that and I am crying for those who’s pain around this time of year is still fresh, the wounds are still raw, their eyes are still red and swollen. Memorial Day is the day we Honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. I repeat: Memorial Day is the day we Honor those who have given the ultimate sacrifice. Who died for you? We all know someone who died in the service of our country. Please Honor them on Memorial Day…

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