Birthday Thanks
I am writing this to thank all of you who made my Birthday and fundraising for I Honor Your Service To America campaign the best! I have to admit God has blessed the concept of blessing those that volunteered to do John 15:13: Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Thankful that we have so many brave men and women to join the military to do the hard and dangerous work of defending our great nation.
Every month we read about someone in the military KIA or killed in Training. Those men and women sacrifice time in their precious lives to defend freedom. It doesn’t stop there. Families back home have to fill a void while their heroes are thousands of miles away on deployment. God bless the families as well.
I remember when I deployed to Korea, my first letter to my mother was. Please write to me, everyday Mom, ok? And tell Doris to write to me every day too? Well, that didn’t happen for me or anyone else in my platoon. There were guys in my platoon that didn’t get anything home the whole deployment. The military says care package support is one of the biggest morale boosters they have. I have had as high as Lieutenant Colonels write an send pictures and thanks to your support, your efforts, your loyalty since 2012.
If you are still reading this thank you for the birthday wishes! I, and the IHONORUSA board members Laurie Simms, and Margery Phelps are thankful that so many donated to support our troops. Thank you!