Why Send Military Care Packages?

The question is: Why does your organization support our deployed troops and homeless vets with military care packages? There are a lot of reasons but let me tell a few. When I was in the military during the Vietnam war I enlisted rather than get drafted and get placed in a job I didn’t want to do. So I tested well and joined the Signal Corps and really enjoyed my work. Some mornings we would go to mail call and there would be some of my platoon members that would not get as much as a letter all year. Soldiers live for their mail from home. Back then there was no email or phoning home especially if you were stationed in a forward area. It really bothered me to see guys embarrassed and ashamed to never get any mail or packages from home.


Military Care Packages delivered to out troops

Military Care Packages delivered to our troops

Fast forward to today the past wars in the Middle East have taken a great toll on our military. Deaths, injuries, mental issues, the scars of war have taken a toll on our men and women in the military. They still stand gallantly against the enemies of the United States of America. Politics has eroded this country’s rudder to the point that we are drifting without direction on many key issues for this nation.

The one thing we can’t lose our resolve on is our ability to defend our nation and fight wars in two hemispheres a the same time. History has shown that indecision is interpreted as weakness. We are asking our military to do more with less and fight wars without FULL RESOLVE. God bless those in the military that still carry out their missions under these circumstances.

While we can appreciate their service while they are fighting for a nation that all of its people may not fully understand the sacrifice and the commitment to defend a nation. Our mission: to honor, support, and encourage our nations protectors in over 100 countries around the world with military care packages. They are thousands of miles from home. That is the reason why this organization sends care packages to our military.

Never forgetting the homeless vets who have spent their best years defending our country and have nothing left to give. When they are down and out, going from one homeless shelter to another. Just like we do for our deployed troops. We provide items that let our troops know we continue to support their mission to protect this country from enemies. We supply items toiletries, healthy snacks, beef jerky and other personal care items like body wash, power bars, letters of encouragement, and anything we think will encourage the lives of those who serve US.

This is why we have chosen this cause, help us help them!

Thank you for your support!



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